NVIDIA GPU + IBM Cloud for graphics-accelerated applications, big data analytics, HPC, AI and cognitive workloads

When it comes to cloud, on-promise and virtualized environments, performance and flexibility are a game changer; and it is exciting to see that, the combination of NVIDIA GPU technology and IBM Cloud is on an interesting curve to offer supercomputing performance on a pay-as-you-go basis. 

In fact, IBM is now offering the NVIDIA® Tesla® M60 GPU accelerator in the cloud, for companies of all sizes that can get henceforth easier and more affordable access to the latest virtual desktop applications with no compromise to performance.

One can also observe that, the Tesla M60 joins other NVIDIA GPU offerings on IBM Cloud, including the Tesla K80 and Tesla K10 GPUs, which accelerate deep learning, data analytics and high performance computing (HPC) workloads.

The Tesla M60 with NVIDIA GRID™ virtualization technology helps accelerate virtualized desktop applications, especially in the area of CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) including AutoCAD.

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