
Showing posts from January 8, 2013

GravityLight: a ''revolutionary'' new approach to storing energy and creating illumination.

New versions of Inspiron laptops from Intel: Stakes and Opportunities around Performance.

Enjeux sur l’arrestation du Redoutable Hacker Algérien Hamza Bendelladj, âgé de 24 ans.

Internet Explorer 6, 7,8…très Dangereux pour XP ET Windows Server 2008.

New release of Magisto 2.1.1: record and upload your videos to turn them into ‘’beautiful’’ edited movies.

Solutions de ‘’e-relation client instantanée’’ : Enjeux, Opportunités et mise en œuvre.

New release of Meteor 0.5.3: Stakes around improvements to the runtime environment.

Création via Adobe en version 2 : Opportunités autour de la suite de logiciels gratuits en téléchargement sur Mac et Windows.

To dig a bit deeper into network virtualization via VMware: Stakes and Opportunities around data center issue.